Saturday January 30, 2021 |
Celebrating Our Parish and Families |
This weekend of Catholic Schools Week, we come together to celebrate what is typically the supporting force behind our Catholic Schools: the parish community! Join Us for Mass! | Welcome Letter | Catholic Schools Week Family Mass | |
Sunday, January 31, 2021 |
Celebrating Our Parish and Families |
Check out our STREAM Showcase and Virtual Tour. Pass this information along to other families that may want to join Gesu Parish and School. | Stream Showcase |
Virtual Tour | |
Monday, February 1, 2021 |
Celebrating Our Community |
On the first day of Catholic Schools Week, we come together to celebrate what is the supporting force behind our Catholic Schools: The Parish Community! We begin our week with a prayer service. Several parishioners have been invited to share testimonials of our parish life. We will, as part of our prayer service, complete a handout that will be distributed to our parish family. Our message is one of thanks as we express our gratitude and build our connection between our students and parishioners who support our school. | Celebrating Our Community | ||
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 |
Celebrating Vocations |
Our morning broadcast will once again recall a parishioner’s story. Additionally, we will gather with other diocesan schools for the 10:00 AM live stream of the Mass celebrated by Bishop Malesic from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. | Online Live Mass 10am |
Celebrating Vocations
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 |
Celebrating Our Nation |
On National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, students, families, educators and other Catholic school supporters communicate the value of Catholic education to government leaders. They share information with leaders on the significant contributions Catholic schools make to the nation and their role in preparing students to be good citizens. We pray for the nation and recognize all those who serve it. | Celebrating Our Nation |
Online Resources for Catholic Schools Week from the Diocese of ClevelandOnline Resources for Catholic Schools Week from NCEA
Thursday, February 4, 2021 |
Celebrate Our Students |
It’s a Dress Down Day as we recognize the best part of our school—the students!
A treat from PTO and a special talent show virtually presented to our students from our 7th & 8th graders showcasing the many gifts and talents God has blessed us with. |
Gesu’s 7th and 8th Grade Talent Show
Coming Soon |
Friday, February 4, 2021 |
Celebrating Our Faculty and Staff |
Particularly in this pandemic year, we appreciate all that our teachers have done to bring our students into school for face-to-face learning. Dress Down for teachers and staff and a special treat from PTO. | Celebrating our Faculty and Staff |