Dear Gesù Family and Guests-
CHRISTmas is upon us and we gather to welcome the Prince of Peace. This last year it has been so difficult to watch the horrors of war and violence play out in Ukraine, in other parts of the world and on our own city streets. Violence that takes life, removes dignity, and perpetuates hatred. YET in the early hours of Christmas morning a baby’s voice was heard crying a message of peace, selflessness, love and a new beginning. “Emmanuel” – God with us! This same voice is now to be heard in the voices, actions and love of the people who follow that little child born to us on Christmas. We must become instruments of change and peace. It is only through breaking the chain of violence by turning to peace and love that the new beginning brought by Jesus at Christmas can be realized. May we begin in our own hearts, homes and Gesù community. My greatest hope is that Gesù continues to grow as a community that is open, welcoming, and deeply faithful to the message of Jesus. Peace on Earth is possible. May it begin with us!
Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!
Fr. Lukas M. Laniauskas, SJ